We will reintroduce our Saturday night vigil Masses starting this weekend at 4pm. At this time, the Vigil mass will be a "quiet Mass", meaning no music. Because the Vigil Mass is moved an hour early, we will therefore move also the time for confessions. Reconciliation is scheduled at 3PM-3:45PM.
The Bishop has provided revised COVID 19 Directives effective September 11,2020. Please click the title to download and review the complete document for full information
On February 24, 2020 the original HVAC unit installed at the time of the FDC construction broke down beyond repair. The old unit lasted 16 years and more than exceeded its working life. With summer time approaching and a lead time to contend with, we ordered a new high efficiency HVAC unit which was installed on June 25, 2020. The cost of replacement was nearly $150,000.
Polls of all kinds seem to grab our interest, even if at times we disagree with the results. We are all unlikely to change our preconceived opinions, whether we’re discussing dish detergents, movies, or the daily stock averages. Yet we still listen for the poll results. We want to know what other people think. We either agree with or reject the results. Now along comes this famous gospel passage from St. Matthew, which can be interpreted as Our Lord taking a poll of His disciples about His identity, in which He uses of Himself that enigmatic title “the Son of Man.” The Apostles rattle off and answered the various accepted “labels” about Jesus formed from opinions of others. But Jesus’ query was: “Who do YOU say I am?”.
Saint Ann Novena July 18 – July 26, 2020 Theme: Faithfulness Abounds “A faithful person will abound with blessings”….Proverbs 28:20 Novena begins this Saturday. Continue reading for full information.
Happy 4th of July!!! This is the day America celebrates Independence Day, a day which affords us a great opportunity to consider the freedom we enjoy today. Many great men and women have given life and treasure to purchase for us our right to liberty. We must be vigilant-guarding that freedom- or we might very well find ourselves lamenting for losing that right. Let us not take it for granted!
In this Sunday’s Gospel Jesus invites us to take up our crosses and follow Him. That message we have certainly felt and have taken on these days. Apart from the crosses given to us individually, we are also carrying these heavy crosses of the pandemic.
I'm writing to give you aheads up so that nobody gets surprised on the changes made on Mass times this Father's Day Weekend. After evaluation of our Eucharistic celebrations last weekend, our schedule of Masses is moved to 9:00am and 11:00am. The 9:00am Mass will remain LIVE-streamed (11:00am will not). Thus, those who are still uncomfortable celebrating the In-Church Sunday Mass or cannot be seated in church due to our limited seats, can join us at the In-Car Parking Lot Mass located on the right side of the solar panel shed/pathway facing the FDC entrance. Please do not forget to bring your devices.
It is an opportune time we welcome to celebrate “In-Church” Sunday public Mass on the weekend of the Feasts of Corpus Christi. Our Masses this weekend: 9.30am and 12.30pm. Welcome back to our home St. Ann's parish family and friends.
I hope everyone continues to stay safe and healthy. As restrictions are being eased up little by little, thanks be to God, it is my assumption that health situations are also getting better and better. As I have announced last weekend, we were very happy excited to inform you that "In Church" public gathering are now allowed and we all look forward to coming back to church to celebrate the Sacraments especially the Eucharist. There are still some restrictions to be observed and strict guidelines to be followed but at least we would be able to not only receive the Body of Christ in communion but also personally and physically witness and participate in the celebration of the whole Mass. Praise the Lord.
We are broken-hearted, sickened and outraged to watch another video of an African American man being killed before our very eyes. What's more astounding is that this is happening within mere weeks of several other such occurrences. This is the latest wake-up call that needs to be answered by each of us in a spirit of determined conversion.
Let me begin by congratulating the students of our graduating class. I am honored to have served as your principal for your last two years Saint Ann School. Parents’ thank you for the sacrifices you have made to provide your children with a Saint Ann School education. Your confidence in us as educators is the greatest trust we could ever ask for. Students, I am excited to have this opportunity speak to you today.
Allow me to first of all congratulate each one of you. My congratulations extends too to your parents, your teacher and the whole faculty staff who have shared their precious time, amazing talents and sacrificial love in all that they do to support you all to reach your goal at this point of your life.
This weekend, Trinity Sunday, we shall have again our “in-car/ Parking lot” Mass at 9.30am. Mass will be livestreamed. So, I encourage you to bring your devices and join us through the YouTube live-stream. Please click on the link to join. (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHYfsolDzqvHG5RUQGNa9fw/featured)
Liturgical-Pastoral Directives in a Time of Pandemic Limited Public Celebration of the Mass and Sacraments in Church PROPOSED DATE: for public “in Church” weekend Masses Solemnity of The Body and Blood of Christ, June 13-14, 2020 PROPOSED DATE: for public “in Church” weekday Masses: Monday, June 8, 2020
Tomorrow, May 30th, is Pentecost Sunday, the Feast of the Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles. God sent the Holy Spirit among us to renew the Face of the Earth. Pentecost, therefore, is about renewal, about transformation, about new life, and about the new creation.
As announced, we shall have an Outdoor / In Car Parking Lot Mass at St. Ann's this Sunday, May 24th at 9:30AM. Please find the instructions/directives below for our strict guidance.
Starting Wednesday, May 13, the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima, we will unlock the doors of our church. You will be able to come and visit and feel the Real Presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. Our Church will be open for private prayers and devotions Monday-Saturday 10:30am to 6pm; Sundays 11am-5pm. We will follow State regulations of only 10 people allowed at a time and observe social distancing. Please wear mask at all time. Masses and other Sacraments are not yet allowed to be celebrated in public until further notice.
Bishop O'Connell to celebrate Mass for health care workers, others on COVID-19 front lines Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., will celebrate a special diocesan Mass of Thanksgiving and Support for health care workers, first responders and essential workers in the battle against COVID-19 May 13 at noon in St. Joseph Church, part of Our Lady of Fatima Parish, Keyport.