Last Saturday, 10/21, the Church of Saint Ann's community gathered to celebrate our beloved Pastor, Fr. Dela Cruz, on the 40th Anniversary of his Ordination to the Priesthood. Parishioners, friends, and family came together to honor Fr. Dela Cruz at the 4 PM Mass, followed by a joyful reception with good food and great company! Click HERE and take a look at some pictures of the event.
On Tuesday, Nov.2, at 7 PM, we will offer a special Memorial Mass in remembrance of the deceased parishioners who have gone before us between October 2021 and October 2022. all are welcome to attend. Memorial candles in honor of our loved ones are on sale in the Gallery of Light and lobby. You may send in your All Souls Novena envelopes now as well. Click HERE for more information.
This weekend we celebrate World Mission Sunday in support of the Mission Church in Africa, Asia, the pacific Islands, and parts of Latin America and Europe. Please be generous and keep all missions in your prayers.
Join us this weekend for Ministry Renewal Sunday. Everyone is invited to bring their Ministry Renewal/Registration form. Forms will be collected at ALL Masses.
A new youth initiative called "NeXt Level" is coming to our parish! NeXt Level is a pilot program of the Center for FaithJustice funded by the Lilly Endowment, which offers and is researching a new approach to youth ministry designed to strengthen Catholic parishes. For those of you who don’t know, our parish was selected to participate in this groundbreaking study! This is a selective program that gives the young people of our parish an opportunity to put their faith into action, be formed as leaders, and use their gifts to address the needs of our parish and surrounding communities. If you are a teenager in grade 8-12 who may be interested in joining please attend our information session this Tuesday, 3/16 at 6 PM! Please visit the Youth Ministry Page on the Parish Website or speak to the youth Minister Linh Nguyen for more information.
Dear Parishioners, please be aware that if you receive a text or email from Fr. Dela Cruz, our clergy, the Bishop, or anyone from our parish office or diocese asking for a favor or assistance, it is a scam. We will not text or email you any solicitations. Your accounts have not been hacked and ours have not been hacked. Please do not respond to these types of messages. If in doubt, please call the parish office.
We are looking for engineers and architects to form a Building and Grounds Ministry who could share their talents, time, and expertise to help us with some upgrades on our Church and FDC building. We've been running into some issues lately that need to be fixed. If you are willing to help, please contact Fr. Dela Cruz at [email protected]. Thank you in advance for your support!
After careful consideration and dialogue, the CYO has decided to cancel the spring sports programs (Track & Field, Soccer, and the Cross Country Meet that had been rescheduled from the fall) due to the ongoing pandemic. This decision was reached after extensive discussions along with the CYO Board of Trustees. The safety of the athletes, coaches, and families remains the primary focus and along with the considerations of logistics led to this decision. While this is also disappointing as was the decision of the basketball season cancellation, there was no other conclusion to be reached in dealing with the current restrictions and conditions we all face. It is everyone’s hope that conditions will improve and the fall sports programs will be able to commence as scheduled. For more information and questions about this matter please contact Quincy Walzer at [email protected]
St. Ann's Parish Community, as many of you have probably heard by now, we are sad to share the unfortunate news that Trenton Catholic Academy (TCA) will be closing its doors at the end of this school year. It is always difficult when a Catholic school closes, especially one in such proximity to us. Our prayers go out to all administration staff, faculty members, student body, and their families. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers as they cope with this upsetting news. To read more about this, visit
Have you filled out the 2020 update for our parish directory yet? Click on the links listed below on this webpage to take action. Thank you for your participation and for helping us stay connected as a parish!
Dear parishioners, the Diocese of Trenton continues to produce the weekly Faith At Home resource as we respond to the pandemic. Make the faith come alive for your family on Sundays by preparing all week! Visit
October 20-28 will be the 81st Anniversary for the annual Saint Jude Novena being celebrated at Saint Michael Church (October 20-28, 2019). The Novena will be celebrated by Fr. Roy Ballacillo. Please see the complete Novena's schedule for more information.
We will reintroduce our Saturday night vigil Masses starting this weekend at 4pm. At this time, the Vigil mass will be a "quiet Mass", meaning no music. Because the Vigil Mass is moved an hour early, we will therefore move also the time for confessions. Reconciliation is scheduled at 3PM-3:45PM.
Please click the above title to go to the page with the complete Church of Saint Ann Pastoral and Financial Report as well as the link for questions regarding the report.
The Bishop has provided revised COVID 19 Directives effective September 11,2020. Please click the title to download and review the complete document for full information
On February 24, 2020 the original HVAC unit installed at the time of the FDC construction broke down beyond repair. The old unit lasted 16 years and more than exceeded its working life. With summer time approaching and a lead time to contend with, we ordered a new high efficiency HVAC unit which was installed on June 25, 2020. The cost of replacement was nearly $150,000.
Polls of all kinds seem to grab our interest, even if at times we disagree with the results. We are all unlikely to change our preconceived opinions, whether we’re discussing dish detergents, movies, or the daily stock averages. Yet we still listen for the poll results. We want to know what other people think. We either agree with or reject the results. Now along comes this famous gospel passage from St. Matthew, which can be interpreted as Our Lord taking a poll of His disciples about His identity, in which He uses of Himself that enigmatic title “the Son of Man.” The Apostles rattle off and answered the various accepted “labels” about Jesus formed from opinions of others. But Jesus’ query was: “Who do YOU say I am?”.
Saint Ann Novena July 18 – July 26, 2020 Theme: Faithfulness Abounds “A faithful person will abound with blessings”….Proverbs 28:20 Novena begins this Saturday. Continue reading for full information.
Happy 4th of July!!! This is the day America celebrates Independence Day, a day which affords us a great opportunity to consider the freedom we enjoy today. Many great men and women have given life and treasure to purchase for us our right to liberty. We must be vigilant-guarding that freedom- or we might very well find ourselves lamenting for losing that right. Let us not take it for granted!