Bishop O’Connell will be the principal celebrant and homilist for the Mass, which will be livestreamed (without a congregation) beginning at noon from the chapel of St. Joseph Church, Toms River. Bishop O’Connell will offer prayers for the intention of all workers – from the employed, unemployed and seeking work, to the retired.
Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., will join his brother bishops of the United States in Canada in reconsecrating the two nations to the care and protection of the Blessed Mother on May 1.
He is Risen, Alleluia! This weekend is the Second Sunday of Easter, which is also the day we celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday. The church emphasizes today the magnitude of God’s love and His boundless mercy.
Easter has always entailed choices. People always had to make a decision whether to believe or not to believe. The good news is that even if our first impulse, like Thomas’, is to disbelieve, if we give it a chance, if we are open, just like the sign, we can revise our reading.
Good morning! It's now Holy Saturday, a quiet day that is given us to pray and reflect on the mystery of Christ's suffering and death while we await for His resurrection.
Our Holy Week journal continues. Good Friday: The Six Trials of Jesus As we now know, Jesus was arrested by around 12 midnight. Judas Iscariot led the Jewish leaders and the soldiers to the garden of Gethsemane where Jesus was praying after the Last Supper. Upon the arrest of Jesus, most of the disciples flee for fear of the Jews. Peter and John secretly followed Jesus.
Blessed Holy Thursday to you! I am writing this early morning to send you a beautiful note that could be of great help to you to make this Holy Thursday holier and fruitful.
May the peace of Christ crucified be with you and your family. We continue on our journal of Jesus’ last days here on earth. As we have learned, Holy Tuesday was a grueling and tiresome day for Jesus. He spent the whole day in the temple teaching and preaching to His followers.
Holy Tuesday Waking up early morning, Jesus started his two-mile walk back to Jerusalem. His intent was to go back to the temple. He wanted to go there maybe to check if the business people, the merchants, money changers, robbers and thieves were back. He was on a mission to spend the whole day in the temple.
During this unusual time with Masses suspended, to those who are able, we beg that you continue to generously support your parish church financially by mailing in your weekly envelopes or by donating online. We rely on your donations to provide uninterrupted parish functions to our parishioners. We cannot do it without your help. Thank You!
May the Blessed peace of Christ crucified be with you and your whole family! During the Holy Week, the Church accentuates a very essential doctrine of our faith, which is the Paschal Mystery: the Passion, Death and Resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Tomorrow is already Palm Sunday and Easter is, therefore, almost here. As we all know, before Easter we first have to go through the Holy Week. Christ first agonizes in the garden, is betrayed, shares the last supper, is given the crown of thorns, is beaten, humiliated, carries the cross, is crucified and dies… to give us Easter.
April 5 - Palm Sunday 10:00am April 6-8 - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 9:30am April 9 - Holy Thursday 6:30pm April 10 - Good Friday 3:00pm April 11 Saturday Easter Vigil 7:00pm April 12 - Easter Sunday 9:00am