In response to the generosity of our parishioners from the diocesan "Faith in Our Future Campaign," we were able to provide additional funding to our Partner Parish of San Andres in Sajcabaja, Guatemala, Central America.
Check out photos from the 1937 foundation building, the old church demolition, Saint Ann School dedication, parish picnics, new church construction, new church dedication journal, Pope John Paul II exhibit and more!
Celebrate the Feast of Divine Mercy on Sunday, April 8th beginning with the Chaplet of Divine Mercy at 3:00 p.m., followed by the Holy Rosary and Celebration of the Mass (this Mass satisfies your Sunday obligation). Light refreshments will follow in the Hospitality Room. All are welcome!
At the Easter Vigil we welcomed (l to r) Randy Khinkis, Julia Bannon, Jennifer Solares, Samantha Stamile, and James Ripley into the Catholic community.